betahaus at Advance Business Center 1: Elevating Bulgaria's Co-Working Scene


betahaus, Bulgaria's foremost co-working pioneer, is making waves with its latest move to Advance Business Center 1. Positioned on level 8, betahaus now oversees an entire floor of class "A" office space, signalling a new era of collaboration and innovation in Sofia.

betahaus has long been at the forefront of Bulgaria's co-working sector and in other European capitals, nurturing startups and entrepreneurs. With this expansion, betahaus continues its legacy of empowering individuals and businesses with the help of Advance Business Center 1 which offers modern facilities and premium amenities, providing members with an ideal working environment.

Their co-working space fosters a vibrant community of innovators and experts, facilitating collaboration and knowledge sharing, further enriching the center’s tenant ecosystem.

betahaus remains committed to providing members with a world-class co-working experience, offering curated events, personalized support, and networking opportunities.